Discoverer responsibility errors out with Empty Input (Or Null) Is Not Allowed error

We had first cutover after 12.2 patching in production instance  , After the cutover, When instance is released to client, Client was getting the below error while accessing discoverer using the responsibility from EBS.

We observed that the both the discoverer URL and EBS URL are in different domain which caused the issue
1. We changed the discoverer profile options in EBS and also updated the context file with the updated discoverer urls
From -
ICX: Discover Launcher –[APPS_SECURE]
ICX :Discover Viewer Launcher[APPS_SECURE]

To –

ICX:Discoverer Launcher -[APPS_SECURE]
ICX :Discover Viewer Launcher[APPS_SECURE]

Update the below context file entry to new URL
-bash-4.1$ grep  s_disco $CONTEXT_FILE
         <disco_url oa_var="s_disco_url"></disco_url>

2. After changing the context file entry,Bring down application services and run autoconfig
3. Also Added below lines related to virtual host  to /app01/oracle/fmw/asinst_1/config/OHS/ohs1/httpd.conf on test001
NameVirtualHost \*:8090
<VirtualHost *:8090>
    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteOptions inherit
    UseCanonicalName On
4. Restarted opmn on discoverer server and we are able to access discoverer.


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