MWA Dispatcher does Not Start In R12.2.3 Error: could not read config file

1.In one of our 12.2.3 instance we observed that the mwa dispatcher was not coming up ,When we have checked the log file we found the below segmentation faults errors
/TEST/app01/appl/fs2/inst/apps/TEST_test001/admin/scripts/ line 237: 17932 Segmentation fault      ${MWA_TOP}/bin/MWADIS
2.We checked for the dispatcher port and it was available
[appltest@test001]$ netstat -anp |grep 10616
(Not all processes could be identified, non-owned process info
 will not be shown, you would have to be root to see it all.)
3. This issue is documented in Internal Bug 17459700  - MWACTL.SH START_DISPATCHER CAN NOT BE STARTED.
smwaenv.h has been rebuilt and sets the relative path of mwa.cfg to  "/admin/install/mwa.cfg"
4. Observed that patch is not applied in our instance

SQL> select bug_number,creation_date from apps.ad_bugs where bug_number='17459700';

no rows selected

SQL> select name from v$database;

5.After applying the patch using adop we were able to start the MWA without any issues.


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